Wednesday, April 25, 2007

TV Turnoff Week: 23-29 April 2007

There is a national "week" for just about everything these days and many of them are of little interest to most of us and go by virtually unnoticed. However I think TV Turnoff Week warrants a mention in my blog - and not just because we now have headline-grabbing proposals for the government to intervene and limit the amount of time young children spend glued to the box.

For me the best counter-attack to television addiction is to create family time out of the house. We all know walking is great exercise and it can easily be made into an enjoyable activity for the family to share, maybe by turning it into a nature trail for example. And when you consider that so many pubs these days see families as their target clientele, well, the choice of a suitable place to eat afterwards is growing all the time.

So, time to turn off that TV!

Today's pub walk: The Castle Inn in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire.

The Pub Walker
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