I do love to hear of pubs finding novel ways to attract new customers. How about the idea of “Poet in the Pub” being tried in a number of Hampshire pubs?
According to the Hampshire Chronicle, The Three Horseshoes at Bighton near Alresford will host comedy ‘stand-up’ Elvis McGonagall on Wednesday June 2nd.
Customers are invited to write a short poem or limerick on the back of special Poet in the Pub beer mats and then Elvis will read these out before sharing a selection of his own unique poetry.
The theme is the village you live or drink in so it also helps to reinforce the message that the pub sits at the heart of the local community.
The idea comes from the Hampshire County Council’s rural arts scheme, known as Hog the Limelight, who usually bring their events to village halls. When they approached local landlords about using pubs instead they were met with an enthusiastic response.
The innovative pubs taking part are: (sorry you've already missed the first one!)
Wednesday 26 May 2010
The Cricketers Arms
Tangley, Andover SP11 OSH
tel 01264 730283
Wednesday 2 June 2010
Three Horseshoes
Bighton, Alresford SO24 9RE
tel 01962 732859
Wednesday 9 June 2010
Horse and Groom,
Woodgreen, Fordingbridge SP6 2AS
tel 01725 510739
You can either pick up a beer mat from one of the pubs or download a copy by clicking on Poet in a Pub beer mat.
Any pubs out there with other innovative ways of attracting new customers or bring back existing ones more frequently. Of course my favourite, easy and effective method is the one you'll find at www.myfavouritepubwalks.com/publicans.

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