I asked someone if they would like to add their own walks to MyFavouritePubWalks.com to get free access to all the other pub walks on the site and share in the site profits. His very public response was that his pub walks would remain free "rather than be prostituted to inane gimmicks and money grabbing." Ouch!
OK, time to set the record straight.
Firstly, I will let every pub walker in the country download as many of the pub walks as they like, completely free of charge! All I ask in return is that they add at least one of their own favourite pub walks to the site... one pub walk = one year's free access; two pub walks = two years' free access; and so on. As soon as their first walk is published, all the other walks become free.
Secondly, those who just want to download other people's favourite pub walks but not add their own are welcome to do so, but then they do have to pay. This is their choice - they could buy a book instead (not free) or they can search for other free pub walks online (not quickly in my experience). I aim to bring hundreds if not thousands of pub walks into one place for instant download and enjoyment, and create a community that shares a common interest in all that pub walking offers.
Having said all that, the response I received from this person stood out because the general reaction from walkers has been incredibly positive and supportive across the country. This offers great promise for the growth of what I hope will become the biggest and most up to date collection of pub walks anywhere!
Today's pub walk: The Filly Inn in the New Forest, Hampshire.

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