Some exciting news! I have decided that from today all the pub walks will be free to download from! So that means you no longer have to submit a pub walk before you get free access to all the others. And with Fathers’ Day this weekend, you can give the old boy some exercise as well as some real ale without it costing a penny extra!
Of course, with all the pub walks now free, I am hoping visitor numbers to the site will increase, more people will hit those “tell a friend” buttons and word will spread that we can all help our best pubs to survive and thrive by sharing pub walks and leading hungry and thirsty customers straight to their doors - for the mutual benefit of walkers and publicans alike.
It looks like the weather may be kind to some of us this weekend so I hope you get out and about and, even better, find a nice pub to enjoy for Fathers’ Day. With all the pub walks now free, you can give the old man some exercise as well as some real ale!
Happy pub walking!
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