As our waterways are synonymous with pubs and walking, its great to see that there was something positive in the budget for us "pub walkers" after all. The government plans to mutualise British Waterways in England and Wales, giving the waterways’ users and the communities that live alongside a greater say in how they are managed. It is also expected to reduce the long-term public liability by transferring responsibility for waterways maintenance to possibly a charitable trust.
Much less publicised than some of the other budget statements such as the hikes on alcohol duty, this at least is something a little creative, protecting a national asset while reducing the ongoing costs borne by the taxpayer. And the real benefit of course is that this can secure this national treasure for everyone to enjoy for generations to come. A true win win!
For more details, read Government to mutualise British Waterways on the Waterscape site.
Or if like me you just want to get out there and experience our waterways then click on waterside pub walks.
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