After a long week with too many hours spent in an office, it was glorious to set out for the New Forest last night. A beautiful, balmy evening with nature that refreshed my soul.
Low sun, clear sky, close to a full moon. Barely another soul seen and, even then, only from a distance.
The New Forest is on our doorstep but I never tire of the sense of wilderness that can still be experienced there when one steps away from the main paths.
We started out with a search for some orchids my wife had stumbled upon a couple of days before.
Close to the path, a friend had drawn her attention to them and we had been keen to
return and try to capture their delicate beauty in a photograph.
There were a few dozen of them and they clustered in a shallow dip amongst the ferns and grasses.
Just a few paces away from this small area there were none to be found at all which made the discovery all the more special.
We walked through deciduous woodland, conifer plantations and glades with the setting sun creating sharp contrasts of light and shade.
We looked out over open heathland and areas of lawn, and climbed to viewpoints, regularly catching fleeting views of deer along the way.
We stood and stared and just soaked up the natural, peaceful, surroundings.
The New Forest has a character all of its own, whether you think of the free-roaming horses, ponies, donkeys and pigs, or its unbeatable blend of landscapes and numerous habitat types.
It remains in many ways wild but surprisingly accessible to all. It is criss-crossed with cycle paths and popular riding country but we saw evidence of neither as we ventured away from the more touristy areas.
And this is its appeal - it can be whatever you want it to be and it can offer something to anyone who enjoys the outdoors.
I find the New Forest can always surprise and enthral and it offers a brief and welcome escape from life's pressures. It is my favourite walking area and I am privileged to live only a stone's throw away.
Not last night but, of course, sometimes we combine our walks with a pub stop and the New Forest has its fair share of those too.
If you would like any suggestions for a pub walk, you can find a few by clicking on New Forest pub walks, and we'd always like to hear of your favourites too.
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