With nearly half the paths in Wales difficult to navigate as a result of years of neglect, it is encouraging to see that earlier this month Prestatyn was officially designated the first town in Wales to get "Walkers are Welcome" status.
The Walkers are Welcome initiative is aimed at encouraging communities themselves (rather than well-meaning organisations!) to promote their towns as walking areas - ensuring footpaths are well maintained and well sign-posted to optimise the pleasure given to users and boost the local economy from increased visitor numbers.
The first Walkers are Welcome conference was held last weekend and the idea is spreading amongst both those interested in walking and improved access as well as community-minded groups.
It seems to me that pubs could lead this initiative for their own areas as it would not only raise their profile locally and serve their community but also improve walker access and therefore help to improve their own trade.
Anyone interested in finding out more about how their town or community can meet the criteria should see Walkers are Welcome.

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