Many regular walkers also enjoy observing the wildlife all around them as part of what makes up their all round outdoor experience. Certainly that is the case for me and I’m sure I was among many thousands of other regular walkers taking part over the weekend in the RSPB’s Big Garden Birdwatch.
Having put out my mixed seeds and my diced past-their-best plums and pears, I sat back with a tray of tea for the allotted 1 hour. After a slow start, activity in the garden picked up and I was thrilled to see not only the usual visitors but also my first sighting of a firecrest and only the second of a nuthatch.
I’m sure these less common visitors to my garden have been here before so the real pleasure came from just taking the time out to relax and quietly observe what is undoubtedly going on around me all the time.
Next week back to the pub walks of course but with a renewed enthusiasm for taking in all that the natural world has to offer the keen observer.
For anyone interested, my full birdwatch results submitted to the RSPB were:
Jackdaw (3)
Great Tit (2)
Blue Tit (2)
Robin (2)
Magpie (2)
Wood Pigeon (2)
Firecrest (1)
Nuthcatch (1)
Blackbird (1)
Collared Dove (1)
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