According to the caterersearch website, a Price Waterhouse Coopers report just published suggests 5000 pubs could close by 2011 if current trends continue. This is a significant number when compared to the total of around 58,000 pubs in the UK. The reason given by PWC is a combination of the smoking ban, a clampdown on drinks promotions and declining beer sales.
Readers of this blog will know I have a real concern over the decline in the fortunes of our pubs and the effect the loss of a pub has on its community. However the report indicates that those establishments hardest hit will be those relying only on drinks and those not providing outdoor areas for smokers. Hopefully most of our community pubs will already be planning for the smoking ban and will ensure they do not fall into either of these categories. After all, if they are really pubs that support their communities then they need to provide food and smoking areas anyway.
Today's pub walk: Fort St. George in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire.
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Posted: SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2007
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