There is something of a shake-up going on in the world of mapping. Recent developments could help people like us who want to use existing maps to record our walking routes on the internet.
First the Guardian's Technology supplement started their “Free our Data” campaign seeking free access to data collected using taxpayers’ money by government-funded and approved agencies such as Ordnance Survey (OS). Then it was reported that the Government’s determination to protect OS’s ability to profit from users could scupper a Europe-wide initiative to harmonise access to Geographical data.
Now, not only has there been a legal case undermining OS’s claims to copyright in certain scenarios but also a certain Ed Parsons has just joined Googlemaps as their “Geospatial Technologist” from a similar role at OS. With Googlemaps already taking a more flexible approach to sharing mapping data than OS’s position, this can only be good news for those wanting to use maps more freely.
So let’s all watch this space…
Today's pub walk: The Haunch of Venison in Salisbury, Wiltshire
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Posted: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 2007
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